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About UBI


World’s Best Apparel Leader

UBI is a garment manufacturing company striding forth as the global leader in quality
management and production capabilities in its overseas production base.

World-famous apparel
brands are professionally
connected and
produced in local UBI
corporations in Vietnam
and the Philippines.

  • UBI Vina 1
  • UBI Vina 2
  • UBI Phil 1

What we do

UBI is optimized for fast track needs of customers

  • Globalization
  • Digitalization
  • Localization
  • Flexibility

GLOBALIZED for accessibility
- Specialized R&D service in Korea HQ, NY Office, and Vietnam R&D Center

- Utilization of latest technology to reduce development lead time
- 3D Service & Virtual Market Place

LOCALIZED for speed
- Fully functioning localized Vietnam team of brand-specific merchandisers and local fabric sourcing

FLEXIBLE in products and production
- Versatile production base for small to big volume orders and diverse styles
- Sustainability